Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Al's Top 5

Hello, my fellow Animal Enthusiasts!

To kick things off; I thought I'd list my top-5-favourite animals and explain why they're awesome! Though of course, limiting this to only 5 was extremely difficult, and I truly love ALL animals...but hey...we gotta have a limit, right?? Also, PLEASE feel free to comment, ask any questions, or tell me YOUR top-5 most kick-ass animals (or just one, if ya want!), and I'll be happy to do a short bio on it/them, if you'd like! :)

Alrighty; let's get started!

#5: The Scottish Wildcat
Looks like an adorable Tabby just playing outside, right?? Not so much. These cats HATE humans, will stealthily hide from you like a ninja, and will rip you apart if for some reason you DO find and approach them. Yay!  Learn More...If You Dare.

They are native to Scotland and the less-than-400 purebreds can now only be "found" in the most remote areas of the Highlands. SO AWESOME.

Even those silly folks who say they aren't "cat people" have to admit that these felines are bad-ass.

#4: The American Fancy Rat

No your eyes are not deceiving you. I said RAT.

No matter what you say; these things are feckin' adorable. Seriously. They are one of the shyest, sweetest, and most loving creatures out there.

My very first pet was a rat named Curious and I had the pleasure of receiving two more rat-pals after that: Olivia & Gidget. (R.I.P. - All Three.)

(Thank you Mom & Dad for being so open-minded and awesome!! :D You let a crazy 8-year old get a pet rat. You ROCK. )

#3: The Highland Cow

Just look at those faces. Need I say more??

.... .... ... ... ... ... ...

But I will. ;)  Highland Cows are AWESOME!! Obviously also derivative of the Highland Hills in Scotland and built for harsh winters and weather; hence the fluff!

Oh! And get this! BOTH males and females grow horns and are very smart and know how to dig around for good grub underneath the snow and madness.

AND they come in many different colors (see above), they are extremely friendly and well-tempered (even the bulls!), and they have the greatest hair-style I'VE ever seen...I dunno about you...

#2: The Ball Python

Seriously misunderstood creatures, and I love them like crazy!! Ball Pythons are SO gentle and frightened; their instinct when threatened is not to attack or constrict, but rather to run away, and they love their dark hiding places!

Their head is most sensitive; so, as a pet-owner, if you are allowed to touch their head without them shying away; you're officially best friends and they will love you forever!

I will one day have a pet Ball Python named Slinky. It's gonna be awesome. Check It.

And finally...the moment we've ALL been waiting for...

#1. The Cheetah

The Majestic Cheetah: Fierce-yet-beautiful. Independent-yet-loyal. Fast-yet-strong. Playful-yet-protective. In short: THE. BEST.

I mean, they are just...

I've clearly been Cheetah-Crazy since I was 5 years old. I love EVERYTHING about them and think they are the greatest creatures on the planet.

Don't worry...there will be MANY more individualized posts about cheetahs with varying topics: endangerment, King Cheetahs, the story of the three brothers who befriended a baby gazelle, the difference between cheetah & leopard patterns (BIG one!), Al's Future Cheetah-Pet Names, how I've had the poster of this exact photo to the right for 12 years ----------->>>>

You know...important things. :P

I hope you've enjoyed "Al's Top 5"...and it's okay if you didn't...cuz I did!! :P

Have a great week, readers! Stay awesome!!

All the very best,
-Al :)


  1. Great post! I look forward to reading your next one. My favorite was learning about the ball python snake

    1. Thank you, ALVIN! I appreciate it greatly and will keep it in mind for future posts! :D Thank you for reading!
      All the best,
      -Al :)

  2. Love it!! Keep up the awesome educational posts! Too many peeps fearing the wrong animals instead of enjoying their grace, beauty, demeanor, etc. Soooooo proud of you! Love you Angel!!

    1. Thank you so much!!
      I greatly enjoyed creating it!! It's all stuff in my head anyway...may as well share it with the world! :D Thank you for reading!! (Love you too!! ;) )
      All the best,
      -Allanda "Al" :)
