Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Eventful Chapter 1

Hello, my fellow Animal Enthusiasts!

My first full week at Woofs N' Whiskers was eventful, exciting, amazing, incredible, wonderful, kick-ass, and just... ...AWESOME. In short: I LOVE MY NEW JOB.

And so...I thought I would show off a few pictures of my new furry-co-workers and "office" and also recount the story of a PARTICULARLY eventful 5-minutes on the morning of Friday, September 4th...


I was outside alone in the beautiful yard with what we call the "Purple Group"; which today was only about 6 dogs who have less energy, are maybe a bit older, or are a wee bit more likely to "get after" another pup...so there are less of them, and they are all GREAT!! Even if they have to wear a muzzle in the yard...they are still each the sweetest dogs you could ever meet! 

Though, of course, things happen and Sadie was repeatedly getting after the higher-energy Pushkin, and so I had my first instance of putting a pup in the "time-out box" to cool off for a bit:

Don't worry; she has a much larger area to herself than in the picture and was able to come out again soon! :D
And THAT got the Playful Pushkin even MORE excited...

And he began jumping up and down and he repeatedly head-butt me in the face...scratching my glasses... and causing the bridge of my nose to cut open and bleed a wee bit...

After Cleaning It; NO BIG DEAL AT ALL....though I DID get blood on my new shorts...DAMN. :P
Oh...you're SORRY, huh????
Okay...I forgive you, Pushkin. LOVE YOU, BUDDY!!

And IMMEDIATELY after that (before I even noticed I was bleeding...) a pigeon flew into the tarp in the yard, hitting it hard, and going down!!

And of course...all the dogs go RUNNING for it...(I mean; I have 6 big-old sporting & working breeds here...they all want the pigeon!) and luckily I was able to beat them to it, scoop up the pigeon, and put it in it's own "time-out box" away from the pups.

NOT the actual pigeon, sadly...not much time for photo-taking in that moment...
I called for my awesome manager and co-workers; they brought gloves and we checked him out. VERY luckily there were no broken wings or legs or blood or any obvious injuries. I think he was just stunned. My manager put him out front, in a bush, away from traffic. With luck, he took his recovery time and was back to the New-York-City sky shortly after!

I'm glad he was alright; and that I was able to stop the dogs from destroying it. That's NOT something I wanna see on my first week of work...and to try explaining the bird-blood-stains on the pups' fur to the parents?!? No thanks!! :P

And that all happened within maybe 3-minutes. Haha. HURRAY for me proving myself! It was a GREAT day!!

And NOW; to show you my amazing place of work and some of the animals I have fallen in love with in this last week...enjoy! :D

Playtime With The VERY Playful "Blue" Group!

The Amazing Yard! 7,000 Square Feet in Brooklyn, New York! :D
Radar (Bottom), Pushkin (Middle), & Blue (Top). Good Boys!
Big, Bad Shep! Love You, Buddy!

TIPPER!! SO Sweet! You're The Best!!

The Beautiful Pamuk!! :D

Wee Gidget! Can't Be Away From Me For Even A Second! :P

And Finally, Folks, Al's #1 Love Of The Week (Though I Can't REALLY Choose Just One...) Is:
She Hisses Every Time You Open The Door To Her Condo...She Scares EVERYBODY...
...Except For Me! You're Not So Scary Ceecee...
In Fact...You're Feckin' Lovable And Amazing!!!
I've Fallen In Love With You, Ceecee. I'll Miss You, Kitty! Enjoy Being Back Home!! :D
It's been an INCREDIBLE first week, everyone! I truly love everything about this place and know that I belong here. I love my job so damn much! I hope you all enjoy reading these stories...I certainly enjoy living them!

Have a GREAT week, readers! Stay awesome!!

All the very best,
-Al :)

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