Wednesday, October 7, 2015

And We're Back!

Hello, my fellow Animal Enthusiasts!

I GREATLY apologize for the hiatus. It has been a crazy couple of weeks: I have moved to Harlem!! I am now officially a Manhattanite; and it's truly exciting! My new Roommate is FANTASTIC, we've been pals for almost 2 years now, and she will definitely be getting another shout-out today, just you wait! :D

Hurray For Friends!!!
And, of course, The World Of Woofs N' Whiskers is still furry and fantastic. There are MANY b-e-a-utiful animals that I've been honoured to spend my days with these last THREE weeks (yikes!!). So let's not lollygag any longer! :P

How Do Ya Do, Hank??

Peanut Butter & Ajax...Great Names & GREAT Dogs!
Winnie!! Love You, Girl!

The Beautiful Babette; Soaking Up The Sun While She Can!

Blues The Bird! Representing Other Species! Yeah!

ZILLA!!! The Beautifully Blind and Rough & Tough!! I LOVE THIS DOG.

A VERY Happy Nelson!!

Don't Worry Tahoe; The Toy Is Yours! :P

OPPA!! And Her Kick-Ass Mohawk!! 
Good BOY, Keyser!! We're Getting MUCH Better At-The Fetch! :D

Interrupting Simmy's Me-Time For A Great Photo!

The Beautiful Diamond Has A New Home!! You Deserve It, Girl!

Hello, Eleanor! You're Truly Awesome!! :D

A Blurry & Fabulous In-Action Shot Of Moss & Ozzy Playing...THANKS BOYS!!!
Ozzy; Taking A Well-Deserved Rest!

And NOW...we have arrived!! It's time FOR: Al's #1 Love Of The (Last Three) Week(s): ... Who IS:
Hafez LOVES To Play Fetch!!!

Even The Rain Won't Stop Hafez!!! (Nor Al! ;) )
What A GORGEOUS Dog!! Thanks For The Great Photos, Buddy!!
This Beautiful Whippet Has Forever Stolen My Heart.
In spite of all the moving madness, these last three weeks have been GREAT!!! And in the midst of our New-Roomie conversations; animals, of course, came up, and her favourtie animal is... ... (VERY important here, folks!)...*drumroll*... ...A POLAR BEAR. Yeah!! And honour of this New-Roomship; here is a special shout-out to Polar Bears! Please enjoy. :D


Polar Bears are FASCINATING creatures that have many myths about them; and much of what is "common knowledge" about Polar Bears is actually untrue. (Which I find incredible!)

For Example; Polar Bears and Penguins do NOT live in the same area; Penguins live in Antarctica and Polar Bears are actually found at the opposite pole in The Arctic; 60% living in Canada! The more you know! :P  Check it!

Fun Fact: Most Polar Bears are ambidextrous! Meaning; they use both front paws equally in everything they do. Much the same way an ambidextrous human can write with both hands. Many people think they are left-pawed; but, in fact, they're even more super-powered than that! MYTH-BUSTED. :D

And, the most important "fact", POLAR BEARS ROCK. They are seriously great animals; vicious & powerful, but very protective and family-oriented. Great choice, New-Roomie!! :D

I hope you've enjoyed this weeks post, readers!! My apologies, again, for the delay. Now that I'm finally settled in and Home-In-Harlem, I don't expect it to continue! :P Oh, also! I've turned another year older since my last post (I honestly keep forgetting...). It's time for a new year and a new life!
Bring It On.
Have a GREAT week, readers! Stay awesome!!

All the very best,
-Al :)

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