Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hello, my Fellow Animal Enthusiasts!

Much has happened since my last of those great things being... ... .... HALLOWEEN!!! :D

And, boy, was it a GREAT one!!! I had my usually spectacular Hallows Eve tradition (a B-E-A-UTIFUL cultural event that takes place in a Cathedral on the Upper West Side!). And meanwhile, on the very same day...many animals in the world were celebrating being very close to NOT having to wear their costumes anymore! :P

And so...I bring you...
Hektor The Spidey-Dog!!

Shep The Hot-Dog!

Bourbon Loves Her Pumpkin Costume!

Chopper Does NOT Seem To Love Her Pumpkin Costume! ;)

Sophie; The Baller!

No...NOT A Cat In A Black-Cat Costume...But Ebony Deserves To Be
Featured; She Makes Halloween GREAT!!!! :D

And also in honour of Halloween (and my incredible friend who introduced me to this great animal!) ...I have decided to do a little Tid-Bit-Tribute to an animal we all may have seen photos of...but don't know much about. In fact, it's the only poisonous primate (it's venom can kill with one bite and there is currently no cure!)... ... yup! You guessed it:

The Slow Loris

These adorable creatures are FASCINATING and quite deceiving! Though not typically vicious (unless in defense of course, like we all can be!) they actually produce poison from their teeth, much like Cobras! They use this for protection from predators for both themselves and their young; by actually licking the toxin ONTO the FUR of their babies in order to protect them! SO cool!! 
(And I wouldn't mess with them!! ;) )

Though, very sadly, people DO mess with them and they are a huge target for hunters and traders due to their apparent (traditional) medicinal properties and exotic nature; many of them painfully pulling their teeth in order to avoid being bitten...BUT, some much better folks are ON IT and working on saving the 

I LOVED learning about the Slow Loris!! They are nocturnal and very slow but VERY stealthy and STRONG!! They will hold their grip for HOURS when stalking prey! And they ARE very gentle and peaceful by nature, as they appear, but when provoked or threatened...LOOK OUT. And that's my kinda animal, folks!! And I thought a good feature for After-Halloween! ;)  (Thank you, my great friend, for the introduction! :D )

We'll Cover This Species Next Time... ... :P
I hope you have a FANTASTIC week, readers! Stay awesome!!

All the very best,
-Al :)


  1. Love this post! Thanks for the education regarding the slow loris... Who knew?

    1. Thank you, ALVIN!! I was so great to learn about!! Thank you for introducing me to that wonderful creature! :D All the best, -Al :)
