Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Hello, my Fellow Animal Enthusiasts!

And a VERY Merry Christmas Eve & Christmas to you all!! (I can't believe it all begins tomorrow!!!! Ah!!)

Which brings us to our brilliantly talented and wonderful (just as they are!) featured animal today:

Reindeer (Caribou)

Though these GORGEOUS creatures may not fly around the entire world in one night...they DO migrate during the winter to warmer places where food is more plentiful; they do it every year! 

And they may not have elven friends (well, most Reindeer are domesticated Caribou, so I suppose their human care-takers are THEIR elves. :P ) BUT they do stick together in large herds. The largest and most famous being The Porcupine Caribou Herd of North America with almost 125,000 members!! All travelling about 400 miles together every year!! SO cool!! :D

Their coats change color and thickness for both the Spring and Winter. Their winter coat is actually HOLLOW, like a human-coat, to hold in heat!! How cool is that!?

And BOTH sexes grow massive horns!!!

They ALSO have the widest feet of any deer; serving as big snowshoes for the Arctic snow!!!

AND calves are born already VERY mobile and able to run MILES...just HOURS after being born...not for delivering toys, mind you, but to run from predators (as they aren't spotted like other deer). Gotta love Mother Nature!! :D

Well, there you have it, folks!! Our Reindeer may not be the same as Santa's...but I think they are pretty damn special and deserve to be acknowledged for their own magical qualities!! :D 

And as Christmas occurs...the new year approaches. Goodbye 2015...hello a 2016 FILLED with joy, furry-critters, and love all around!! I wish it for each and every one of us!!

Wishing you FANTASTIC and safe and happy holidays this week, readers! Stay awesome!!

All the very best,
-Al :)

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